Wednesday, October 23, 2013

from the back files: I don't understand the world, but I don't understand my own brain, either. So, I guess it all evens out.

From: UIM
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 8:07 AM
Subject: I don't understand the world, but I don't understand my own brain, either. So, I guess it all evens out.
So, my subconscious burped up a gag from the first season of Growing Pains, where Mike is trying to con his dad into paying for karate lessons.
So, I searched for it on the internet.
And the only link I found with it was a site that apparently helps teach English via old sitcom scripts.
106. Jason: That's important to you, is it?
107. Mike: Oh, yeah dad. I mean without discipline dad, each one of us is like a waterless craft in the sea of conflicting desires. And you know what, Dad? I need the rudder that karate will give me.
108. Jason: I see. So what you're saying is that you're taking karate to reach the spiritual state of...Don Ho.
109. Mike: Right, Don Ho.
110. Jason: Mike. Don Ho is the Hawaiian singer who recorded " Tiny bubbles".
111. Mike: Right. Very spiritual guy.

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