Thursday, May 23, 2013

when people ask me how it's going, I feel like telling them this.

So, yes, cartoon-watching is still an important part of this relationship.

We caught some of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle series, and the writing is good, so we are catching up on it.  (I never watched any of the old series, so I don’t know how much the writing has improved.)

Shortly into the second episode that we saw together, this conversation occurred:

Her: “Wait, this show seems so familiar.” 
Her: “It feels kind of like talking with you.”
UIM: “Huh?”
Her: “Each of them is like a different part of you.  There’s the angry guy, and the guy who uses big words, and the guy who thinks he’s in charge, and the guy who just says random silly things.”
UIM: “Okay.  Yeah.  That’s a pretty fair assessment.”

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